Woman working on computer

About the 地理位置 And Geographical Information Science Degree Program


学生 in the GIS degree program at 波胆平台 will gain the technical background to create spatial data layers from maps, 卫星图像, aerial photographs or digital elevation models using geographic information systems, 遥感, 制图学, 和全球定位系统, and to use that information to formulate research questions to solve real-world problems.

Apart from core geography courses, students learn to identify, 解释, and explain features and patterns in the world around them. This major is ideal for students seeking employment in technologically driven geographic fields, 例如GIS分析师, Remote Sensing Specialists and Photogrammetrists, Forestry and Conservation Managers, 土壤科学家, 和更多的.

The GIScience degree program also requires a minor or second major, broadening students’ academic skill sets and setting them up for success in their careers.

地理位置 and GIScience Program at a Glance



一般的研究 requirement has been reduced to 30 credit hrs allowing more freedom and making it easier to transfer to 波胆平台.


地理位置 and GIScience, Bachelor of Science



With the New Nebraskan Scholarship all undergraduate students pay in-state tuition


"I graduated from 波胆平台 in 2005 with a double major in 地理位置 and Computer Information Systems. Looking back, I am very happy with my undergraduate experience at 波胆平台. The geography faculty prepared me very well for an academic career by giving me opportunities to co-author journal articles, present papers at undergraduate and regional academic conferences, and participate in faculty research. When I started graduate school, I realized that my peers from larger universities had not had those kinds of experience as undergraduates. Today I am an assistant professor of geography at Northwest Missouri State. My teaching style emulates several of the professors I had while at 波胆平台."



Assistant Professor of 地理位置

What can you do with a 地理位置 and GIScience Degree

Learn more about the types of jobs and common employers that 地理位置 and GIScience graduates work for.


  • 地理信息系统分析师/程序员
  • 业务 location analyst
  • 遥感分析员
  • 地理空间数据分析师
  • GIS协调员
  • GIS技术人员


  • 当地政府
  • 公用事业公司
  • 警察服务
  • 私营企业
  • GIS组织
  • 慈善机构
  • Environmental Consultancies


地理位置 7-12 Teaching Subject Endorsement 地理B.A. / B.S. 历史B.A.