About the Music Education PK-12 Degree Program

On Campus

The Music Education degree at the University of Nebraska at Kearney prepares students to to teach both instrumental and choral music in a PK-12 setting. In this program, you will be equipped to share your passion for music with students of all ages, helping them make meaningful connections with the performing arts.

Practical experience and instructional excellence form the foundation of the Music Education degree program. Through 波胆平台's Music department, you will take courses in music theory, aural skills, history, elementary and secondary teaching techniques, conducting and more. The College of Education has a reputation for educating Nebraska's best teachers, and faculty understand the importance of getting future educators into real life classroom settings early and often. 波胆平台's close partnership with Kearney and area schools gives students numerous opportunities to interact in both early field experiences and student teaching.

Music Education graduates are certified to teach in any public or private school setting in the state of Nebraska, with opportunities to also explore teaching positions in other states.

Music Education PK-12 Program at a Glance


Credit Hours

General Studies requirement has been reduced to 30 credit hrs allowing more freedom and making it easier to transfer to 波胆平台.

Degree Received

Music Education PK-12, Bachelor of Music


Per Credit Hour

With the New Nebraskan Scholarship all undergraduate students pay in-state tuition

What can you do with a Music Education PK-12 Degree

Learn more about the types of jobs and common employers that Music Education PK-12 graduates work for.


  • PK-12 music teacher
  • Teaching private lessons
  • Various church music positions
  • Non-profit music organizations

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